Consulting and Mentoring

Welcome to EdgeNeuroFitness, your gateway to a world of exceptional consulting services in the realms of Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, qEEG, and supporting neurostimulation devices. If you’re seeking expert guidance and support, your quest ends here. We don’t just provide consulting; we offer you a transformative experience that propels you towards excellence.

Comprehensive Consulting

Rebecca offers a broad spectrum of consulting services, including:

  • Consultation: Personalized consultations tailored to your specific requirements.
  • BCIA-Approved Neurofeedback Mentoring: Elevate your neurofeedback journey with certified mentoring.
  • Applications Training: Hands-on training to ensure you master neuromodulation devices effectively.
  • Protocol Development: Customized protocols designed to address your unique needs.
  • qEEG Report Writing and Multi-Modality Treatment Planning: Send us your data, and we’ll provide a comprehensive report. Our service includes a review and an hour of Neurofeedback mentoring credit if required. If acquiring 19 EEG channels poses a challenge, concierge services are available.

Mentoring Excellence

Our mentoring services are designed to nurture and elevate:

  • Small Group and Individual Mentoring: Personalized guidance to help you reach your goals.
  • Hands-On Training: Practical experience to ensure you can confidently use neuromodulation devices.
  • qEEG Acquisition, Interpretation, and Application: Expert guidance in acquiring and interpreting qEEG data.
  • Protocol Recommendations: Tailored protocols to optimize your outcomes.
  • Departmental Procedures: Support in implementing neuromodulation within your organization.
  • Technical Information: In-depth technical knowledge to answer all your questions.
  • Remote Support and Availability: Ongoing, responsive support no matter where you are.
  • Sourcing Equipment: Assistance in acquiring the right equipment for your projects.
  • Preparing Staff for BCIA Certification: Guidance to help your team achieve BCIA certification.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: We provide literature, references, and notes with all our support to ensure you have an array of resources at your disposal.

Other Services:


Enlightening Education and Presentations

If you seek a dynamic public speaker with a wealth of experience in the field, we offer:

  • Public Speaking: Available for group events, motivational speaking, and discussions on health education. We have a distinguished record of presentations at events like ISNR and workshops.
  • Neurofeedback Mentoring/Consultation: Expert guidance in the field of neurofeedback.

qEEG Report Writing Service

Empower your decisions with our premium services:

  • qEEG Report Writing Service: All reports are signed off by a certified neurologist.
  • Program Design: Customized program designs to meet your specific needs.
  • Interpret Your Brain Maps: Expert guidance in understanding your brain maps and making meaningful decisions. An hour of BCIA-Approved mentoring credit is included as part of the review.


For more information or to request our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At EdgeNeuroFitness, we’re not just committed; we’re dedicated to providing you with the knowledge, expertise, and support you need to succeed in the world of neuromodulation. Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way. Join us, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

For more information or to request our services, please call 928-486-5414.

What is neurofeedback? Rebecca Bassham, BS, RT, BCN, QEEG-T

Neurofeedback: Personal Training for Your Brain 

Neurofeedback training is health and fitness at the highest level…because it all happens in your BRAIN.

It has been proven highly effective for: ADD ADHD, Anxiety symptoms, Insomnia symptoms and PTSD symptoms.



We Support You – Find Relief!

ADD ADHD, anxiety symptoms, insomnia symptoms & PTSD symptoms.

EEG biofeedback (also known as neurofeedback) is a very safe, non-invasive tool.

It is FDA approved with proven efficacy for self-regulation.

Our focus is to assist people with self-regulatiom.

Biofeedback facilitates as part of a comprehensive brain fitness program.


How Neurofeedback Can Help You

Are you so stressed out you can’t even think straight? Is it hard for you to relax and enjoy life with peace of mind? Neurofeedback can help!


How would you like to be able to keep track of things and get through a hectic day focused with clarity and peace of mind?
“The sessions I have experienced have changed my life, my attitude, my mood, and my perceptions of reality from pain to calm, to pleasure – everything ‘feels’ to have been tremendously IMPROVED, HEALED, and ENHANCED. No negative side-effects!” – B.W.

Does your child struggle with ADD/ADHD, behavior problems, or poor grades? Have you had one too many calls or bad notes from your child’s teacher?

Edge Neuro Fitness Anxiety Attack

How would you like to know that your child can go to school every day able to pay attention and get good grades without anxiety or getting in trouble?
NeuroFitness has changed my children’s lives. They get better grades, are more focused and more confident! Thanks!” – M.S.

Are you having trouble getting or staying asleep at night, struggling with insomnia symptoms because stress, anxiety and a busy mind keep you awake?

Edge Neuro Fitness Insomnia Symptoms

How would you like to be able to sleep through the night and wake up rested, energized, and ready to start your day?
“In December 2010 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia with severe pains in my muscles, headaches, and insomnia. My doctor prescribed pain medication and sleeping pills. After looking for alternative treatment I had friends recommend Neurofeedback. Subtle changes started becoming apparent after the first session.” – R.H.

Case Study: Brain Fog & Memory Loss

Brain fog is a term that in the medical field is used to describe problems with focus, memory, logic, and problem solving. Neurofeedback is an effective therapy for restoring these cognitive functions.

See the before and after images from a brain map of a client who struggled with memory, brain fog, attention and decision-making. 

Portrait of Rebecca smiling in nature


Rebecca Bassham, BS, RT, BCN, QEEG-T

Rebecca Bassham is a consultant specializing in peak performance, self-regulation, cognitive behavior and improved mental functioning.  She is a board-certified neurofeedback counselor and certified in Quantitative EEG (QEEG-T).

Gosh!TV exclusive interview with Rebecca Bassham.

What is QEEG?

QEEG is an FDA approved, evidence-based diagnostic tool that measures the speed and processing of brain function. Much like a road map, Brain Maps show us not only what brain systems are out of balance but also where the imbalances are located. Only by using objective measures can the brain’s processing and cognitive abilities be determined. We do not know of any other science-based method that uses real number and NIH funded databases that can determine the speed of processing and function of the brain. QEEG allow us to determine what type of program an individual should undertake to correct brain based imbalances. QEEG measures brainwave activity. To learn more about brainwaves and what they mean click here.

Bio/Neuromodulation Modalities

Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG)
qEEG is a measure of electrical patterns at the surface of the scalp through the use of digital technology which primarily reflects cortical activity or “brain waves”. Quantitative assessment of brain waves (i.e. power, frequency/speed, relative power, distribution,

Neurofeedback (NFB)
NFB uses scalp sensors to monitor electrical activity (to reflect cortical brain waves) producing moment-to-moment information to an individual on the state of their neurophysiological functioning. It is biofeedback with a focus on the central nervous system and brain,  thereby assisting the client in

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRV)
HRV measures beat-to-beat changes in heart rate that include changes in the RR intervals between consecutive heartbeats, which is associated with the monitoring of the balance (or lack thereof) in parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous system arousal. The aim of heart rate

Audio Visual Entrainment (AVE)
AVE is a technique that utilizes pulses of light and sound at specific frequencies to gently and safely guide the brain into various brain wave patterns. By altering the brain wave frequencies, AVE facilitates the ability to regulate mood, improve sleep patterns, sharpen the mind and

Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation (PEMF)
pEMF-pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency Stimulation involves the painless pulsing of micro electromagnetic frequency through coils placed on the surface of the scalp. The brain will mimic, or entrain, to what is put into it whether it is magnetic stimulation or current stimulation (tACS-transcranial Alternating

Transcranial Electric Stimulation, direct, alternating, or random noise (tDCS, tACS, tRNS)
Transcranial electric stimulation involves application of current/ voltage to two or more surface electrodes, with at least one of them placed on the scalp. The current from the waveform generator passes through the solid conductor,

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
Approximately 0.5-1.5 Tesla (T) Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive and relatively painless modality that involves the repetitive pulsing of electromagnetic frequencies to the surface of the scalp. rTMS has been used as a therapeutic tool in various neuropsychiatric disorders because

Near Infrared PhotoBiomodulation (NIR PBM)
Photobiomodulation (PBM) describes the use of red or near-infrared light to stimulate, heal, regenerate, and protect tissue, such as the brain, that has either been injured, is degenerating, or else is at risk of dying. Mechanisms of action include mitochondria and cytochrome c oxidase (CCO),

Media & Events

“Normally skeptical of ‘unconventional’ therapies, my skepticism flew away when Dr. Okouchi and his staff enthusiastically recommended Neuro Fitness trainer Becky Bassham. The sessions I have experienced, including the alpha theta session, have changed my life, my attitude, my mood, and my perceptions of reality from pain to calm, to pleasure – everything ‘feels’ to have been tremendously IMPROVED, HEALED, and ENHANCED.”Read more ».


Retired Military Fighter Pilot

Децентрализованные финансы DeFi виды, функции, использование

Если мы сможем реализовать DeFi 2.0, то привлечем новых пользователей. Даже для холдеров и опытных пользователей криптовалют DeFi могут быть сложными для понимания. DeFi 2.0 направлены на снижение входного барьера и создание новых возможностей заработка для владельцев криптовалют. Пользователи, которые не могут взять кредит в традиционном банке, могут сделать это с помощью DeFi. В настоящий момент восходящий тренд DeFi – это управление DAO и децентрализация. Однако на количество запущенных проектов могут повлиять государственные органы и регуляторы.

Термин “открытые финансы” в криптовалютном мире не прижился. 1 сентября 2018 года в твиттере появился хештег #DeFi в значении “децентрализованные финансы”. Именно такое название и закрепилось за проектами, связанными с инфраструктурой для традиционных финансовых услуг на блокчейне. DeFi (сокращение от decentralized finance – децентрализованные финансы) – это традиционные финансовые услуги, оказываемые без привлечения традиционных финансовых институтов. Фарминг (с англ. Yield Farming) – это процесс, который позволяет держателям криптовалюты получать вознаграждение за свои DeFi-токены или DeFi-монеты.

Стейблкойны – это тип криптовалюты, целью которого является сочетание прозрачности, безопасности и оперативности криптовалют со стабильностью фиатных денег. DeFi работает на базе публичной децентрализованной сети блокчейнов, стейблкоинов и приложений DeFi, также известных как DApps. Другие типы открытых торговых площадок делают акцент на обмене не заменимых токенов , которые часто называют коллекционными. Платформы, такие как OpenSea и Rarebits, облегчают поиск и покупку/продажу таких криптоактивов. Например, котята в Cryptokitties, земля в Decentraland.

Что такое DeFI: разновидности dApps в криптовалютах

Созданные токены Dai представляют собой обеспеченный залогом долг перед MakerDAO (децентрализованной эмиссионной системой). Это означает, что плохие контракты часто довольно быстро попадают в поле зрения сообщества. Сборщики средств могут настроить автоматический возврат, если, например, есть определенный с

Triggers TRIG

Receive direct Phone Calls for alerts that require immediate attention. An automated recording will read your alert out loud when you answer. The most traded Triggers pairs in the last 24 hours are .

For those that do not understand how to, or do not wish to set up the infrastructure to mine, masternodes provide a great ability to earn a passive income. Premium Trezor hardware wallet with full color touchscreen and additional supported coins. Security-First Multi-Asset SegWit-Enabled Wallet for Bitcoin, Altcoins and Tokens. You must link a Telegram account before this alert can be received.

Why ApeCoin is a good investment?

So, is ApeCoin a good cryptocurrency investment? One of the best aspects of ApeCoin is that it gives users access to the fast-growing Bored Ape ecosystem, including a Metaverse of games and merchandise. These are high-growth aspects of the cryptocurrency market and could play a role in ApeCoin's value growth.

It seems that the team has changed, Team promise to pour airdrop coin holders through the… One of the main reasons why the Triggers coin is hectic in 2018, at least for the month of January is because people are focused more on Bitcoin. The price of almost every other crypto is closely linked to the performance of Bitcoin. The market cap of Bitcoin is more than the market cap of the rest of the coins and this carries some weight when it comes determining the price of rest of the cryptos. According to Blocksafe, at least three consensus mechanisms are employed to support the decentralized apps which leverage all the integrated innovations of the blockchain.

As with more sign-up processes, the next step will be Coinbase sending you an email to verify your email address. Once you receive the email just click on the link and you should now have access to your Coinbase account. Once you are at their website you’ll need to enter your email address in the get started box.

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Regardless of what initiates the next bull-run, it is important to position one’s self so they are exposed to the coins they believe will beat bitcoin’s return. If you cannot beat BTC’s return than it would be best if you solely held BTC . Greetings, sharing my insides like that because I’m watching the coin. The coin was reborn from oblivion, earlier called triggers traded it back in 2017, was on the binary but then it was split, now called trigx. It’s not on the coinmarket yet, but it will soon appear. is trading at $0 USD, increasing by 0% since yesterday. We strive to help our readers gain valuable, trusted insights through in-depth analysis, high-quality and well-researched News stories and views from the digital currency community experts. Our young and dynamic team is comprised of well-known journalists as well as Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Experts. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

Make sure the spelling is correct and use less keywords. When 2018 started, Triggers coin started on a high of $7.32 only for the price to rise even higher a few days later to touch $9.29. In the following weeks of January, the price of TRIG dropped steadily. The price of Bitcoin cash has been dropping since the year started and this is the same case for many other cryptos.

Nasdaq Crypto Index rose 37.2% in January – amid bullish market sentiment

You still need to provide us with a valid Webhook URL before this alert can be received. You must enable Push Notifications before this alert can be received. You must enable Pushover Notifications before this alert can be received. All donations will go toward improving and scaling our cryptocurrency alerting efforts. We will soon be phasing out support for our Pushover alerts.

  • When we look at the market cap today it is quite low with only $8 million USD which tells me there is excellent opportunity for long-term growth.
  • Diversification is key, even in crypto, these three interesting cryptos provide unique opportunities due to market conditions and their current projects.
  • Fill out how much US Dollar you’d like to invest in and click the “Buy” button and …
  • All you need to do is click on the “Prices” option in the top menu bar and you’ll see a list of all the supported cryptocurrencies on Coinbase.

A machine-to-machine token, powers the Blocksafe Smartgun tech network economy. View the total and circulating supply of Trigger, including details on how the supplies are calculated. The percentage of Binance customers who increased or decreased their net position in BTC over the past 24 hours through trading.

Some Twitter users can now buy Twitter Coins via Stripe

These deals to enter Brazil and Colombia follow Pundi X opening a new headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Manticora Capital has agreed to supply Colombia with 1,000 XPOS devices, while BitCapital is distributing 1,000 XPOS devices across Brazil. Diversification is key, even in crypto, these three interesting cryptos provide unique opportunities due to market conditions and their current projects.

What is the value of TFC coin?

TFC Price Live Data

The live TheFutbolCoin price today is $0.003269 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of not available. We update our TFC to USD price in real-time. TheFutbolCoin is up 1.05% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #8086, with a live market cap of not available.

The avail circulating supply for trading and transacting plummets while MN holders earn a positive return as demand increases. TRIG has also promised to release their mainnet by the end of Quarter 4. People have been arguing for eight months regarding what the next catalyst will be that shifts market momentum from Bear to Bull. Will it be a September exchange-traded fund (“ETF”) for BTC? Could it be as simple as the regularly occurring 3rd or 4th quarter bull-run that seems to take place as families are home for the holidays?

Live Coin Watch

In addition Blocksafe has a patent pending which makes this asset even more valuable given the patent goes through. Now your dealing with an asset that has intellectual property, a big bonus in my book. is an independent publishing house that provides Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology News. It is a News Media Platform which serves its audience with accurate News and Analytical Articles.

As of 31st January, the price of BCH touched a low of $1,406 having started the year on a high of $2,867. The price of TRIG dropped to reach a low of $1.67 on 31st January. As at 0930 CET on 2nd February, the price dropped further to $1.66. To read the King’s prior articles, to find out which ICOs he currently recommends, or to get in contact directly with the King, you can on Twitter (@JbtheCryptoKing) or Reddit . The King is the founder of ANON and does actively trade cryptocurrencies having previously held TRIG and NPXS.

All About Triggers

Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Terpin sued AT&T for $240 million in 2018 for repeatedly failing to protect his cellphone from the teenage scammer. It’s been a long, drawn-out case, full of legal maneuvering on both sides, but here’s the gist of what Terpin said happened to his phone — and in court rooms since then.

Can a Bitcoin price crash?

Crypto prices can be dramatically affected by major events, such as exchanges or coins crashing. They can also sink with higher interest rates, rising inflation and other macroeconomic factors that can affect how confident people feel investing their money in risky alternative assets.

When I invest in something I imagine the investment being pitched against the Dragon’s in Dragon’s Den or Shark’s in Shark Tank. I don’t see anything saying that I need to lock up my gun at night. I sleep with it near me and it’s my protection, when I’m camping, hiking or at home. I like interesting coins doing unusual things buuuuuuuut I just can’t see the tech being adopted by anyone other than a handful of weirdo weapon enthusiasts. Combined Justifire and Blocksafe have the perfect partnership.

Step Three: You’ll need to purchase another cryptocurrency first (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum) before Triggers (TRIG)

You must link a Discord server before this can be received. You must link a Slack Channel before this alert can be received. You must allow Browser Notifications before this alert can be received. In order to receive Phone Calls, you will need to verify your phone number.

Track the ETH gas price automatically, and get notified when it’s a smart time to send a transaction. Choose from many ways to receive alerts, such as our Telegram, Discord or Slack bots. I don’t understand how a crypto factors into all of this. I have however bought in and sold off a few times and made decent returns. 1m $PRQ to be Distributed to IQ Pool Participants – Newly launched IQ Protocol will allow PRQ token holders to stake tokens and earn yield, rewards and incentives.

There is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities or other financial products. Investors should consider their investment objectives and risks carefully before investing. Apex Crypto is not a registered broker-dealer or FINRA member and your cryptocurrency holdings are not FDIC or SIPC insured. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved before trading.

Tether Price USDT Price Index and Chart

Built with zkSNARK technology by the 0xparc collective on Optimism, Dark Forest is an engineering feat with incredible UX that proves what can be built on-chain. POAPs are redeemable non-fungible tokens proving that you’ve attended an event virtually or in-person. Your POAPs are a curated on-chain record of community contributions, experiences, and on-chain voting. The idea of the developers’ team was to change the existing approach to money to a more modern one. Tether brought an opportunity to create a new type of cross-border financial services. Unlike the traditional banking system, this project made it possible to use traditional currencies in digital form and confidentially.


In the long term, the market cap and revenue are predicted to grow significantly. Do most traders and investors have a question in mind that will WhiteCoin price go up in the future? Read our WhiteCoin prediction for the next few years to know. Omni is a never-been-done-before mega app, that’s full of world-class features and tools. Inside the app, you can go live, share stories, create channels, chat with other users, transfer money, video or audio call, sell or buy products in stores, create videos and photos with special effects and much more. Omni is more than just social media, it’s a platform that empowers creators to have full ownership and control over their careers.

If the future follows the same pattern as in the past, this predictions/forecast can be very accurate. ATRI Token is now available for initial exchange offering on Bitcoin.Com Exchange, as user need to complete KYC To Buy ATRI token. ATRI distribution was started on 20th march 2020 with Pre-sale round with price $0.08 USD and now in public sale ATRI token is now trading for $0.25 USD price. However, there Atari mainnet already launched and in upcoming month ATRI token will be available on different trading platform. Atari already in featuring on the google trend report that clearly indicating more people already shown interest of buying ATRI token.

Kusama’s Breakout Potential: Analyzing the Biggest Weekly Candlestick in Years! 🚀 Coin of The Week

If you are considering in cryptocurrency tokens, we recommend that you always do your own research. Look at the latest market trends, news, technical and fundamental analysis, and expert opinion before making any investment decision. Keep in mind that past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The network’s USP is transparent supply chains, but Kalkine Media contends that the number of firms the platform can convince to utilize it will determine its success. Moreover, the WhiteCoin XWC price can reach a maximum price level of $0.45.

Or you can use a computer to “mine” for them by solving complex math problems using computer software. These math problems get more complex as more coins are mined, in order to control the supply. Yes, Tether is legal in India, and users can purchase and sell it on the BuyUcoin – One of the Most secure crypto exchange in India. There has been an increase in the amount of users using the Blockchain wallet to store Tether. Tether, on the other hand, does not discriminate against anyone and gives everyone an equal opportunity to use its services. Participants can use the distributed exchanges provided by the Omni Layer to exchange tokens for other tokens or bitcoins directly on the blockchain without the need for a third party exchange.

$1.8 Billion Bitcoin Options Contracts Expire Today: BTC Price Implications

The price of EthereumPoW has increased over the last five days, rising from $5.99 to as high as $13.88. Since then, the price has started to descend and is now testing the pivotal trend line, which provided a firm base. The bears are compelling the price to break through the trend line but the bulls may keep up the momentum. We tried to gather all the necessary information about the USDT exchange on this page.

What will ECOMI price be in 2025?

According to the ECOMI Price Prediction model above, OMI's price in March 2025 would be $0.0018.

Omni transactions are Bitcoin transactions that enable next-generation features on the Bitcoin Blockchain. Our reference implementation, Omni Core is an enhanced Bitcoin Core that provides all the features of Bitcoin as well as advanced Omni Layer features. Since cryptocurrencies are volatile, their price usually fluctuates. If there is a bearish trend, the crypto assets used as security may drop sharply in value. This is why some use stablecoins, which are supposed to be pegged to fiat, making them less volatile.

Trade Tether:

This type of investment is not suited for those with an asymmetric risk profile. However, it is still an excellent investment for those who have a high tolerance for risk and a solid financial position. In addition to its speculative nature, OMNI also offers exposure to a global technology and an ever-growing ecosystem.

  • PricePrediction believed that in 2027, SUKU could, potentially, reach $0.70 before it might rise to $0.98 the following year and then possibly break through the dollar barrier to reach $1.37.
  • With Omni it’s simple to create tokens to represent custom currencies or assets and to transact these via the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • Therefore, Suku is expected to reach a minimum price of $0.23 by the end of the year.

CFDs attract overnight costs to hold the trades (unless you use 1-1 leverage), which makes them more suited to short-term trading opportunities. Stocks and commodities are more normally bought and held for longer. You might also pay a broker commission or fees when buying and selling assets direct and you’d need somewhere to store them safely.

Liquidity providers can generate yield by providing funding to traders wanting to trade with leverage. Funding is traded on an order book at various rates and periods. All the information provided is for educational purposes and understanding. Own research and proper financial advice are required before an investment decision. So decide to invest wisely when WhiteCoin price shows entry sign. Complex asset business is supported by turning complete smart contracts which include OTC, Asset certification.

Suku Crypto Technical Analysis

Soon after its launch, the price of EthereumPoW significantly decreased, which was followed by the Ethereum network switching from PoW to PoS. After falling to lows of about $5, the price experienced a parabolic recovery to rise back to levels above $10. The possibility of a noteworthy plunge hangs over the rally because the bears have once again dominated it.

If you are looking to invest in digital cryptocurrencies and want good return on your investments, make sure to read our predictions. The live Omni price today is $1.01 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $3.44 USD. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #1640, with a live market cap of $570,460 USD. It has a circulating supply of 563,084 OMNI coins and the max.

What is the floating exchange rate?

VeVe is an app-based marketplace for premium licensed digital collectibles and comics. A survey recently cited by Nathaniel Popper in The New York Times indicates that businesses are far more bullish on ether, and the future usage of Ethereum, than bitcoin. Almost 94% of surveyed firms said they feel positive about the state of Ether tokens. Only 49% of firms surveyed had a positive feeling about bitcoin. The reason you’ve been hearing about bitcoin for years, but Ethereum only recently, is that the latter was only developed two years ago while bitcoin’s been around for almost eight years. Ethereum was created by Vitalik Buterin, a young programmer who was told about bitcoin by his father and decided to create a platform for smart contracts; which bitcoin is not designed to do.

How old is Omi coin?

ECOMI's Initial Coin Offering (ICO) was launched back on May 12, 2019. It also ended the next day. ECOMI managed to secure 15 licenses that year, and they also established their NFT support and cryptocurrency wallet.

In 2030, the WhiteCoin token is expected to trade in a range of $0.73 to $0.85, where the former is the minimum price and latter is the maximum price, based on our WhiteCoin price predictions. At the same time, the average price is anticipated to be around $0.79, as per our forecast. As per technical set-up, WhiteCoin XWC price prediction for the upcoming trading session and ultimate oscillators also indicate a sell call. Whitecoin forecast, technical analysis, & market sentiments indicate traders can only expect a WhiteCoin price increase if it breaks the resistance level of $0.01. In volatile cryptocurrency markets, it is important to do your own research on a coin or token to determine if it is a good fit for your investment portfolio.

former Barclays bankers just netted a 700% profit selling Bored Ape NFTs

Having the original bitcoin RPC on top of the additional commands was exactly how it should be. Ayer, and we can have futures, options, cashflow contracts, commerce contracts, labor contracts, rental contracts, shipping letters of credit, lots of useful things trading over the layer. It also means agnostic of what works protocol-wise, we can provide the port for value movement over Bitcoin to work with smart contracts.

Is Omni wallet safe?

What do you dislike about OmniWallet? OmniWallet is less security than an online wallet, compared to hardware wallets and other cold storage methods. However, the main problem is that the OmniWallet interface may not be suitable for beginner users. Review collected by and hosted on

The idea is that physical supply chains can be tracked digitally, which should, Suku says, allow them to become truly transparent. Let’s investigate, and also examine Suku price predictions, too. For a comprehensive understanding of DeFi, we first need to understand its products. One thing that is seen as standard among all the products is based on blockchain-powered open protocols. With the exclusion of one, which is on the Bitcoin blockchain, many of the existing products are based on the Ethereum blockchain.

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With this crypto price prediction, you may find valid reasons to include the particular cryptocurrency in your portfolio. If you don’t have any coins or tokens, you can first buy ETH right there on our service — just click on the Buy tab. Our crypto purchases are as good as our exchange options, with low fees and great rates. Our WhiteCoin forecast shows that by 2028 end, the XWC price can go to a maximum level of $0.63 if it breaks the major resistance zone of $0.60. Still, it is not expected to break all-time high this year as per our future WhiteCoin price prediction. Market sentiments and expert price predictions on WhiteCoin XWC are bearish.

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Готов ли бизнес к франчайзингу? НАФИ

К сожалению, неко­торые владельцы помещений мешают работеа своих арендаторов больше, чем помогают. Иногда вла­дельцам помещений не хватает средств на уход за своим имуществом. Вместо инвестирования в свое имущество для поддержания его в хорошем состоянии и заботы о своих арендаторах, они пытаются выжать из этого иму­щества все, что возможно. Насколько широко известно имя компании-франчайзера и имеется ли у нее своя собственная зарегистрированная тор­говая марка.Как долго франчайзер находится на рынке. Подобно любым другим инвестициям, покупка франши­зы – это всегда риск.

открытие бизнеса

Для кофейни же вам понадобится небольшое помещение, минимум сотрудников и оборудования. Сделайте мониторинг рынка и посмотрите какие заведения пользуются популярностью. Например, сейчас открывается все больше новых кофееен третьей волны, а также ресторанов с монопродуктом и особой подачей. Франчайзер заинтересован оказать вам помощь и поддержку на начальном этапе. В интересах обоих, чтобы ваш бизнес пошел вверх и не было допущено ошибок, которые могут быть при запуске заведения на начальных этапах.

Чем можно заняться, чтобы открыть свой бизнес с нуля — 5 лучших бизнес-идей

Эта бизнес-модель избавит вас от необходимости проводить исследования рынка, повышать узнаваемость бренда и разрабатывать уникальные методы ведения бизнеса, потому что все уже сделано за вас. Производственным франшизам выдаются лицензии на производство услуг и товаров с полным использованием торговой марки. Вы обнаружите, что многие компании, производящие продукты питания и напитки, используют эту форму бизнеса, как и многие оптовые торговцы. Франчайзи лучше составить свой бизнес-план перед заключением франчайзингового договора. Заботящиеся о своей репутации сети не продают франшизы всем желающим, а ведут отбор кандидатов, в том числе на основе предоставленного бизнес-плана.

Франчайзер передает право на выпуск продукции под собственным брендом. Например, кофейня может купить рецепт круассанов в соседней булочной, чтобы печь и продавать их у себя. Франчайзер — владелец бизнес-модели, на которую приобретают права.

  • В исключительных случаях бывает и так, что франчайзер становится инвестором для франчайзи, а значит, освобождает от уплаты и паушального взноса, и роялти.
  • Если у вас уже есть свое дело, но вы мечтаете о расширении или выходе на международный рынок, то данный вид ведения бизнеса станет для вас прекрасной площадкой для роста.
  • Сделайте мониторинг рынка и посмотрите какие заведения пользуются популярностью.
  • Как уже говорилось ранее – при хорошем франчайзере вы получите рабочий рецепт бизнеса, который будет приносить долгосрочный доход.
  • Выставлять на витрину крема, маски и иные средства только для жирной или сухой кожи – нерентабельно.

Российская франшиза туристического агентства одного из самых узнаваемых туристами брендов в России. После встречи франчай­зер может попросить пройти несколько тестов на профес­сиональную пригодность к работе, которую необходимо будет выполнять. Результаты тестов, резюме, анкета и за­писи, сделанные при встрече со слов франчайзи, будут оценены в комплексе.

Когда создавать франшизу собственного бизнеса

Нередки случаи, когда франчайзер продает права на бренд, который не зарегистрирован или право собственности истекает ранее окончания срока действия договора с франчайзи. Свободная — правила работы предприятия франчайзи устанавливаются условно. Такая франшиза подойдет для опытных инвесторов, главной целью которых является быстрый вход на рынок. Окупаемость франшизы зависит от многих факторов, однако в среднем ее сроки меньше, чем окупаемость бизнеса, построенного с нуля. Да и прибыль стабильнее, так как франчайзи в некоторой мере застрахован от тех сложностей, которые ожидают каждого начинающего бизнесмена. Обычно стандартный бизнес-план требует некоторой доработки, так как условия заметно различаются от города к городу и от точки к точке.


В качестве альтернативы вы можете нанять консультанта по франчайзингу, который поможет вам выбрать лучшую франшизу для вас и проконсультирует вас на протяжении всего процесса. В ряде случаев франчайзер может помочь с составлением и расчетом бизнес-плана, что позволит учесть особенности развития сети. В этом разделе вы должны описать где и как планируете реализовать бизнес по приобретаемой франшизе.

Если в Москве женщин не удивить кремом за несколько тысяч рублей, то для провинции он станет предметом роскоши. После заказа первой партии можно подбирать помещение для будущего магазина, закупать оборудование и нанимать персонал. Выбирать товары необходимо из потребностей покупателей, их типа кожи и целей применения. Выставлять на витрину крема, маски и иные средства только для жирной или сухой кожи – нерентабельно. Перед покупкой следует изучить все нюансы товаров, используются ли передовые технологии и проводятся ли тесты на животных.

Как открыть свой бизнес на маникюре с выездом на дом

С вашей точки зрения как франчайзер, весь капитал, необходимый для начала бизнеса, предоставляется франчайзи.Это одно из важнейших преимуществ франчайзинга. Кроме того, франчайзи принимает на себя все риски — будь то успех или неудача. Соглашение о франшизе — это обязательный договор между вами и вашим франчайзером. Таким образом, вам следует нанять юриста, который рассмотрит соглашение перед его подписанием.Убедитесь, что вы понимаете точные условия контракта, включая все свои права и обязанности по соглашению. Вам необходимо знать насколько строгие правила работы по интересующей франшизе, а также определить границы принятия собственных решений (что вы сможете менять, а что нет).

Франчайзер должен обеспечить вас инструкциями о порядке и условиях предоставления услуг, а также обучить наемный персонал. Если же этот вариант не для вас, можно подумать о поиске стороннего инвестора. Сам факт покупки франшизы уже делает шансы на успех довольно высокими – люди охотнее вкладывают средства в раскрученные бренды, чем в стартапы, чью успешность никто не может гарантировать. Заключение договора осуществляется в письменной форме, лучше, если Вы будете иметь на руках оригиналы договора, а не просто скан. Далее следует регистрация договора в Роспатенте, если она предусмотрена.

В этой статье мы расскажем про открытие бизнеса по франшизе. Ваше знакомство с компанией, скорее всего, начнется с телефонного звонка, письма или личной встречи. Франчайзеры должны быть заинтересованы в потенциальных партнерах, и каждый сотрудник компании должен содействовать сла­женной работе обеих сторон.

Вам останется лишь выбрать для себя вид бизнеса по душе и начать погружаться в него. Уважаемые читатели, возможно кто-то скажет, что это ведь выдуманная история и здесь подробно не раскрыты вопросы регистрации компании, правильного ведения переговоров с клиентами, юридические моменты и прочие тонкости. А вот здесь можно скачать готовый бизнес-план веб студии.

Франшиза Party Time

Проверенная франшиза должна быть продумана до мельчайших деталей. Это не просто бизнес-идея, а конкретное эффективное предприятие, которое успешно функционирует благодаря налаженным процессам. Все решения принимает сын (франчайзи) и последующие мероприятия также проводит он, однако в том случае, если сын встал на неправильный путь отец (франчайзер) остановит его и проведет воспитательную работу.

Франшиза — это договор между компанией с собственным брендом и третьим лицом. От того, какую поддержку вам окажет партнер в самом начале, будет зависеть дальнейший успех вашего предприятия. Особенно это важно для неопытных предпринимателей, только начинающих свой путь в бизнесе. Вы должны знать, что вполне возможен вариант, в котором вы останетесь один на один со своими проблемами, без должной поддержки в период становления бизнеса.

Вы должны удостоверить­ся в том, что франчайзер имеет финансовые активы и штат, которые позволят ему поддержать франшизы. Франчайзинг сейчас чрезвычайно популярен в России. Прежде всего для регионов – это быстрое насыщение рынка высокотехнологичными услугами, обучение практическим стандартам ведения бизнеса, развитие малого предпринимательства.

Шаг 8: Обратите внимание на требования соответствия бизнесу

Хотя бы потому, что не все франчайзеры или пытающиеся ими стать обладают действительно эффективной моделью бизнеса. Ведь расширяться за счет продажи франшиз — это тоже своего рода соблазн, которому легко поддаться. А вот отточить до блеска свои бизнес-технологии удается относительно немногим. Но даже если бизнес хорошо работает в руках его автора и в конкретной среде, это еще не значит, что он готов к полноценному тиражированию. Поэтому мнение об эффективности формата, предлагаемого по франчайзингу, стоит составлять по состоянию дел и отзывам уже работающих какое-то время в нем франчайзи.

Оглядываясь на перенятый опыт другими компаниями можно сделать вывод, что открыть свой бизнес по франшизе один из простейших методов организации прибыльного и развивающегося предприятия. Хотя открытие франчайзингового бизнеса дает множество преимуществ, следует помнить о некоторых недостатках. Вы будете платить лицензионные сборы корпорациям, которые могут съесть прибыль. У вас также будет меньше контроля над некоторыми аспектами вашего бизнеса.Например, если у вас есть франчайзинговый ресторан, вам может быть мало что сказать о меню или о том, каких поставщиков вы используете. Подобно базовой модели розничной торговли, продвинутые предприятия розничной торговли продают товары или услуги покупателям в магазинах.

Многие эксперты прямо говорят, что выбирать лучше то дело, в котором вы разбираетесь и которым интересуетесь – особенно если это ваше первое предприятие. Если вы ничего не знаете о компьютерах, не стоит покупать франшизу магазина оргтехники. Следите за модой – выбирайте магазины одежды и аксессуаров, хотите использовать знания, полученные в свое время на факультете экономики – обратите внимание на франшизы кредитных организаций. Собственное дело – это финансовая независимость, возможность реализовать свои управленческие таланты и, наконец, выгодное вложение средств. Открыть бизнес по франшизе намного проще и дешевле, чем начинать его с нуля, создавая и раскручивая собственный бренд. Именно поэтому готовый бизнес по франшизе – оправданный выбор начинающих предпринимателей.

Учитывайте как онлайн-соревнования, так и личные соревнования.Например, предположим, что вы хотите создать франшизу для налоговой компании. В этом случае вам необходимо подумать о том, чем вы будете выделяться среди онлайн-компаний, таких как TurboTax, и бухгалтерских фирм, работающих в вашем регионе. Есть франчайзинговые компании в сфере путешествий, ресторанов, круглосуточных магазинов, веб-сайтов, здоровья и благополучия, бизнеса и многого другого. Продвинутые предприятия розничной торговли должны активно продвигать свои услуги с помощью электронного маркетинга, программ реферального вознаграждения и других мероприятий, чтобы обеспечить стабильный поток бизнеса.

Как уже говорилось ранее – при хорошем франчайзере вы получите рабочий рецепт бизнеса, который будет приносить долгосрочный доход. Но плохой партнер сможет лишь забрать деньги и дать примерный план, в котором содержатся общие указания того, как создать какой-то бизнес. Выбранный вид франшизы будет зависеть от количества стартового капитала, опыта и самих стремлений франчайзи. При выборе этой модели, франчайзер сам создает бизнес и за определенную плату передает его в собственность управляющему. Прибыль делится в зависимости от условий договора между управляющим и франчайзером. Владелец получает почти полную свободу действий, примерный план действий по ведению бизнеса и минимальные взносы.

Во вторых бизнес план позволяет предвидеть финансовые результаты, наверняка заниматься длительное время деятельностью не приносящей прибыль мало кто станет. Действительно, поскольку бизнес идея не требует финансовых вложений возникает резонный вопрос – а нужен ли бизнес план. Если не можешь ничего делать сам – начинай учить других.

Василий давно хотел открыть бизнес без вложений, так как не хотел рисковать деньгами. Он понимал, что не имея должного опыта, такой эксперимент может плохо закончиться и привести к потере денег. Франчайзи платит процент от продаж или прибыли.

Обязательно рекомендуем пообщаться с действующими партнерами сети. Причем, выбрать их лучше самостоятельно и лучше, если они будут из города, похожего на Ваш.В ходе общения узнайте о работе с франчайзером, о проблемах и узких местах. Не всем предпринимателям подходит покупка франшизы. Посмотрите какие ограничения прописывает франчайзер в договоре.

Данный вид как начать бизнес по франчайзингу сейчас немного потерял свои позиции, хотя еще 5 лет назад он был на вершине списка. Все же это достаточно успешный вид ведения бизнеса, обусловленный постоянным спросом и подогретый рекламой. Помните, что в бизнесе по франшизе всегда есть регламент и определенные рамки. Например, партнер может дать скидку, но меньше, чем положено по условиям, прописанным в договоре.

Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance Liability Account & Interest Payable HW infinite essays

Much of managerial accounting information involves budgets and forecasts for planning purposes along with follow-up reports noting budget and actual variances. Whereas financial accounting is based entirely on historical reporting of completed operations, much of managerial accounting focuses on the future. Shares of common or preferred stock that have been given to owners in exchange for capital contributed or services provided to a corporation. In some cases, the number of issued shares may not correspond to the number of shares currently held by owners .

Janzen Company began the year with owner’s equity of $217,000. During the year, Janzen received additional owner investments of $294,000, recorded expenses of $840,000, and had owner drawings of $56,000. If services are rendered for credit, then . Liabilities will increase. Owner’s equity is decreased by a. Assets. Revenues.


A major disadvantage of a proprietorship form of ownership is the lack of any separate legal liability between the business and the owner. This means that if claims exist against the business and the business has insufficient resources to satisfy those claims, the personal assets of the owner may be taken to satisfy those claims. Proprietorships do not pay federal or state income taxes on profits. Instead, all of the business profits are taxable to the owner and any losses are deductible on the owner’s personal income tax return. Individuals may alternatively choose to operate a business as a corporation rather than as a proprietorship.

In of inflation, FIFO yields lower cost of goods sold, higher net income and higher ending inventory amounts. The opposite effect occurs in periods of deflation. If inventory costs are stable, all cost flow methods produce the same results. The difference between the standard or budgeted fixed overhead and the Fixed manufacturing overhead costs that were included in the company’s total application of overhead to Work in Process during the period.

Mortgage note payable

As a, the price paid for an asset, or its historical cost, is also the asset’s fair market value at the time of acquisition. If an asset is not purchased in an arm’s-length transaction, GAAP may require an exception to the asset’s valuation at historical cost. A listing of accounts receivable based on how long the receivables have been outstanding, or, in other words, the length of time since the date of the sale giving rise to the receivable.

  • This is a hard concept for many business owners and managers.
  • Accounting for the sale of inventory and the resulting expense requires determination of the inventory items sold and their costs.
  • Those same profits are taxed a second time if and when they are distributed to stockholders as a dividend.
  • The only relevant revenues and costs are future revenues and costs that vary among decision options.
  • _____________________________________An area of public accounting involving financial planning and control and the development of accounting and computer systems.
  • Communication of economic events is the part of the accounting process that involves a.

The high-low method utilizes two points of reference in the determination of fixed and variable cost components; costs for the period of highest volume and costs for the period of lowest volume. This approach is objective but generally inferior to the scattergraph method, which includes analysis of mixed cost behavior for more than just two periods in determining fixed and variable components. Refers to the amount of a company’s total sales revenues before any contra-revenue amounts are deducted. The difference between the standard or budgeted fixed overhead and actual amount spent. Fixed Overhead costs are the indirect manufacturing costs that are not expected to change with the volume of activity.

Calculating Shareholder’s Equity

The relative proportionate amount of of products or services in a company. The providing of goods to customers for a price. The providing of services to customers for a price is also commonly referred to as a “sale.” State Income Tax Withholding.

What is the effect of restatement?

A restatement corrects inaccuracies in financial statements pertaining to past accounting periods. These inaccuracies are caused by accounting errors, inaccurate financial reporting, clerical mistakes, frauds, and non-adherence to GAAP or accounting standards.

Shares of ownership in a corporation. Stock ownership takes the form of either common stock or preferred stock. Securities and Exchange Commission. A federal regulatory agency charged with the responsibility of regulating the issuance and trading of securities of publicly held companies in the United States.

Overhead Cost Driver

Examples could include Casualties due to fire, flood, earthquake or other natural disasters, expropriations of assets by a government or specific prohibitions under newly enacted laws or regulations. The amount of dividends that preferred stockholders have a priority right to each year before any dividend distributions to common stockholders. The amount of this annual preferential right to dividends is calculated per share by multiplying the preferred stock’s stated preference rate times the stock’s par value. For example, 6% preferred stock with a par value of $20 per share has an annual dividend preference of $1.20 per share. Dividend preferences are payable only upon dividend declaration by a corporation’s board of directors. Under cumulative preferred stock, the amount of any deficiency in the amount of declared dividends in meeting the annual preference is carried over to future years and referred to as dividends in arrears. That liability is then paid at the board-designated “date of payment” through the issuance of dividend checks to stockholders of record.

If something will assist the revenue generating process of a future accounting period, it is an asset. Even though there were four separate revenue transactions, they are reported in the aggregate on the income statement. Also notice that there is no distinction made on the income statement between cash revenue transactions and revenue transactions that are on account. Assets are resources owned or controlled by a business.

Indirect Method of Cash Flows

A bond having a 5-year term, whether a serial or term bond, will provide for a final principal payment maturing five years from the date of issuance. Bonds requiring periodic principal and interest payments throughout the term of the bond. These bonds might also be referred to as “amortizing bonds.” The amount of profit or loss produced by one segment or component of a business. The process of identifying which capital budgeting projects are worth pursuing or collecting additional data and which projects should no longer be considered. Bonds that require any change in ownership to be registered with the issuer before payments are made to the new investor.

Which of the accounting equations can be rewritten?

The accounting equation can be rearranged into three different ways: Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Capital – Owner's Drawings + Revenues – Expenses. Owner's equity = Assets – Liabilities. Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities.