Tag Archives: ADD ADHD

Neurofeedback in Las Vegas for ADD ADHD


#Neurofeedback #ADHD When neurotransmitters don’t work the way they are supposed to, brain systems function inefficiently. Problems result. With AD/HD, these are manifested to the world as inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and related behaviors.

For more information about Neurofeedback in Las Vegas and how it can help with ADD ADHD visit us at http://www.edgeneurofitness.com

Neurofeedback Helps with ADD ADHD




I just got this testimonial from a mom. After only 3 sessions!!!

“I have seen a difference in Garrett after training sessions. For example, he is calmer and able to stand more stress from others. The wick is a lot longer. Also he is able to focus and concentrate on school more. He has more confidence in trying things on his own. He is more loving as well. Gives me more hugs.”

For more information on how Neurofeedback at Edge Neuro Fitness can help ADD ADHD visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd

Neurofeedback: Personal Training for Your Brain


Neurofeedback is a gentle procedure that captures images of the brain. It allows us to identify the underlying brain patterns associated with our clients’ issues and as a result, establish healthy brain function. It is totally natural, pain free and drug free.

It has been proven highly effective for:
ADD ADHD, Anxiety symptoms, Insomnia symptoms and PTSD symptoms.

Your initial assessment is free. Call Edge Neuro Fitness at 866-380-4537 now to schedule your first consult or visit us at http://www.edgeneurofitness.com

Neurofeedback Really Helps ADD ADHD!


“After only 4 sessions my son was more focused on tasks, had more self-initiating behavior and longer attention span. He is calmer and solution oriented. He is able to access his knowledge and communicate what he knows better verbally.”

For more information on how Neurofeedback can help ADD ADHD visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/

Minerals As A Natural Remedy for ADD ADHD


The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has risen. Combination of behavioral therapy with prescription medication seems to be an effective treatment for ADHD. However, there are also several alternative therapies that are also considered effective. Continue reading for natural alternatives to treating ADHD symptoms.

Minerals: Check your child’s zinc, iron, and magnesium levels. Boosting their levels from these important minerals can help control ADHD symptoms and increasing iron can be helpful. Many children with ADHD are low in these minerals.

This information is from psychcentral.com written by Helen Nieves

For more information on Neurofeedback and ADD ADHD from Becky Bassham visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/

Nutrition As A Natural Remedy for ADD ADHD


The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has risen. Combination of behavioral therapy with prescription medication seems to be an effective treatment for ADHD. However, there are also several alternative therapies that are also considered effective. Continue reading for natural alternatives to treating ADHD symptoms.

Nutrition: Studies over the past 20 years have shown that there is no link between food additives and exacerbation of ADHD symptoms. In my practice however, parents have seen a decrease in their child’s disruptive behavior, decrease in hyperactivity and an increase with their focus when they reduce a child’s intake of sugar, food dyes and preservatives. Eating healthy is key. Foods like vegetables, whole grains, protein, and taking vitamins like fish oils and B-complex can help a child with the symptoms of ADHD and improve mood, mental focus and brain function.

This information is from psychcentral.com written by Helen Nieves

For more information on Neurofeedback and ADD ADHD from Becky Bassham visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/


Exercise, Routine, and Relaxation As Natural Remedies for ADD ADHD


The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has risen. Combination of behavioral therapy with prescription medication seems to be an effective treatment for ADHD. However, there are also several alternative therapies that are also considered effective. Continue reading for natural alternatives to treating ADHD symptoms.

Exercise: This can improve ADHD symptoms. It can help children release energy in a healthy way. Engaging in sports or even going to the park after school can help a child release excess energy from sitting in school all day and it is a constructive healthy way to release energy.

Routine: Setting a routine is important in order to establish structure and regularity. Set a time to do homework, exercise, eat, etc. Routine can help counter chaos in an ADHD world.

Relaxation:When a child is overstimulated, try implementing relaxation techniques. You and your child can lie down on the floor face up and imagine you are melting away in the sun and your breath is like waves. This will get your child to relax from an overstimulated state to a restorative state.

This information is from psychcentral.com written by Helen Nieves

For more information on ADD ADHD from Becky Bassham visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/

Biofeedback As A Natural Remedy for ADD ADHD



The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has risen. Combination of behavioral therapy with prescription medication seems to be an effective treatment for ADHD. However, there are also several alternative therapies that are also considered effective. Continue reading for natural alternatives to treating ADHD symptoms.

Biofeedback(Info on Biofeedback and Neurofeedback): Children can learn to stay in the appropriate brainwaves through biofeedback. With biofeedback, a child plays a game using their mind as a remote control. If the child’s brainwaves shift outside the appropriate range, the game they are playing will either slow down or come to a stop. If they are in the appropriate brainwaves they can continue with the game. The goal of biofeedback is to change the abnormal electrical brain activity.

This information is from psychcentral.com written by Helen Nieves

For more information on ADD ADHD from Becky Bassham visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/

A Few Common Disorders Including ADD ADHD


Let me briefly mention couple psychological disorders that are very common in the US, PTSD for example effects approx 8% of Americans according to http://www.ptsdunited.org/ptsd-statistics-2/ and sufferers experience a wide range of symptoms(chronic anxiety, insomnia, depression, various phobias, and so on) also ADD ADHD is a common one too effecting approx 14% of Americans mixed between all age groups. A wide spectrum of therapies have been implemented, so far the most effective is a dynamic neurotherapy approach in which the whole brain is assessed through quantitative electroencephalograph(QEEG) and regions of interest are treated accordingly.
Also psychiatrictimes.com has a very interesting article on excessive sleep after a TBI.

Intern of Becky Bassham Asaad Sultan,
2nd yr neuroscience major at HFCC
Researched multiple Neurofeedback systems, currently working with 19channel zscore training and its efficacy throught out various psychological disorders

For more information on ADD ADHD visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/

Article On PTSD Symptoms And More



Periodically an individual might experience secondary psychiatric disorders, such as depression or isolating behaviors, PTSD like symptoms, ADHD ADD like symptoms to mention a few.  Treatment interventions are plenty, ranging from traditional techniques, for example like meds combined with sessions of CBT(cognitive behavioral therapy), humanistic existential psychotherapy, and all the way to more technologically advanced psycho therapy, like TMS( transcranial magnetic stimulation), photic stimulation, Neurofeedback and many more. In my opinion by far the most effective approach for post TBI symptoms is a combination of CBT and Neurofeedback therapy working side by side. The results can be substantial.

Intern of Becky Bassham Asaad Sultan,
2nd yr neuroscience major at HFCC
Researched multiple Neurofeedback systems, currently working with 19channel zscore training and its efficacy throughout various psychological disorders

For more information on PTSD Symptoms visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/ptsd-symptoms/