Tag Archives: Costa Mesa CA

Improve your outlook on life with biofeedback


We all want to be happy, but sometimes being happy is not as easy as it seems. Techniques like biofeedback can help improve a person’s happiness level, and give them a positive outlook on life. The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research Task Force found in 2002 that technique was effective in improving a number of conditions.

Reference: Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2002 Dec; 27(4): 273–281 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2779403/

For more information about Biofeedback from Edge NeuroFitness in Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/

Regaining Control with Biofeedback


Biofeedback is the use of electronic monitoring to discover an automatic bodily function, and train the monitored to acquire control of that function. Mapping out your brain function can oftentimes lead to the discovery of problematic conditions that can then be focused upon and worked on.

References: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/biofeedback?s=t

For more information about Biofeedback, from Edge NeuroFitness in Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/qeeg-brain-mapping-sloreta/

Biofeedback As An Aid


“Biofeedback is not common, and that’s a shame,” agrees Carol Austad, PhD, a psychologist at Central Connecticut State University.

“As an adjunctive aid to psychotherapy, it’s fantastic,” she adds. “The patient feels as though they have control over their own bodily functions. When they have that feeling of mastery, you can accomplish more in psychotherapy.”


American Psychological Association


For more information about Biofeedback from Edge NeuroFitness in Costa Mesa, Ca visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback


QEEG Brain Mapping Shows Brain Function


At Edge NeuroFitness, we can actually show you how your brain is working, in live 3D action, QEEG brain map pre and post program changes with measurable data.
And how would you know if you don’t LOOK?

For more information about QEEG Brain Mapping from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego, CA and Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/qeeg-brain-mapping-sloreta/

Vitamin Rich Foods can Decrease Chances of Depression and Anxiety


Some days may seem more stressful than others, triggering panic attacks or even feelings of sullenness. Did you know that simply eating vitamin rich foods could reduce these feelings? Oftentimes, depression and anxiety go hand in hand. This deficiency usually stems from a lack of B vitamins; including B12 and folic acid. It is easy to come across, as diets vary. Eating foods like pork, chicken, leafy greens, eggs and even citrus fruits can increase your body’s level of B vitamins, warding off anxiety and keeping depression at bay. It is much simpler, and less invasive, to eat differently than it is to get vitamin injections.



For more information about Neurofeedback for Anxiety from Edge NeuroFitness in Lake Havasu, San Diego or Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/anxiety-symptoms/


Diet energy drinks and brain fitness


The energy drink industry has millions of people convinced that by chugging one of their diet drinks (with Aspartame) you get that boost you’re seeking plus keep weight gain to a minimum.

Did you know that Aspartame is an excitatory neurotoxin? That means it’s toxic to your brain in a “spaz out” kind of way. Also, studies have proven that people do not lose weight as a result of consuming artificial sweeteners; in fact, the brain senses sweetness on the tongue, which then signals the pancreas to secrete insulin.  When there are no carbohydrates in the bloodstream to break down, the brain signals the appetite center to crave food for the insulin to work on; hence consumption of unwanted carbohydrates typically follows anyway.

For more information about Brain Fitness from Edge NeuroFitness in Lake Havasu, San Diego or Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com