Tag Archives: Dr. Daniel Amen

A leader in Neurofeedback training, Dr. Amen


Dr. Amen is a leader in Neurofeedback training

The “18/40/60” rule to happiness:
At age 18, people care very much about what others think of them.
By age 40, they learn not to worry what others think.
By age 60, they figure out that no one was thinking about them in the first place.
~ Dr. Daniel Amen

For more information about Neurofeedback from Becky Bassham, in Lake Havasu, who follows the work of Dr. Amen visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback/


Becky Bassham Loves This Inspiring Quote By Dr. Amen




“To feel successful, you must be able to be honest about the things that are really important to you.”
― Dr. Daniel Amen

For more information on Neurofeedback by Becky Bassham who follows the work of Dr. Amen visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback/

ADD ADHD From Dr. Daniel Amen’s Perspective


According to Dr. Daniel Amen, MD, neuropsychiatrist, there are 6 different subtypes of ADHD. With full 19 channel quantitative brain mapping at Edge Neuro Fitness, we are able to map out and image the electrical activity in your brain, thereby determining where we need to train and what we are dealing with.  Through neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) training we show your brain what it needs to do. We refer to other professionals when additional help is needed and we offer many specific skills and tools to help parents and children cope with inattention, promoting enhanced cognitive function…in other words, how to make the brain work better!

For more information on ADD ADHD visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/

Discussing PTSD Symptoms with Becky Bassham

Dr. Siegfried Othmer discusses the results of pre post SPECT imagery after Neurofeedback. The work with veterans is being done in connection with the non-profit homecoming4vets.org. The Neurofeedback was donated by the EEG Institute, and the SPECT scans were donated by the office of Dr. Daniel Amen.

For more information on PTSD Symptoms with Becky Bassham in Lake Havasu visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/ptsd-symptoms/