Tag Archives: Edge NeuroFitness

How Small Changes And Biofeedback Can Help You


Using electronic monitoring like biofeedback to discover how to control particular brain functions is one way to help the way you feel and think. Making small changes to your daily life increases this ability as well. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, “More than anything else, improving your brain power is about habits, and habits take time to build. The best approach is to focus on one or two things at a time.” Start small, like changing your sleeping and eating habits and things will slowly begin to improve.

References:  Entrepreneur Magazine – Thomas Smale – https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/250417
Learn how biofeedback and acquiring new habits can aid in regaining control over your brain function at Edge NeuroFitness in Lake Havasu, or by visiting http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback/


Insomnia Symptoms and Proper Brain Function


You know those dreaded days at work where you just don’t feel yourself because you are experiencing insomnia symptoms? According to Dr. Namni Goel for Shape Magazine, “Cognitive throughput—the speed with which your noodle processes information—slows down after a single night of tossing and turning.” There is a connection between insomnia symptoms and how well your brain functions.

References: Shape Magazine http://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/your-brain-no-sleep

Learn more about how to brain function and dealing with insomnia symptoms with Edge NeuroFitness in Lake Havasu at http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/insomnia-symptoms/



Brain Fitness Means A Longer, Fuller Life


Did you know that humans are the only animals whose brains atrophy with age? It is believed that “by our late twenties the speed of our mental processing has begun to ebb, and so has our attention prowess and our working memory”. This means that all of those games we used to get into trouble for playing too long as a kid are coming back in style. Keeping your brain function quick with Edge NeuroFitness can help you live a longer and fuller life.

References: The New Yorker By Patricia Marx http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/07/29/mentally-fit

For more information on brain fitness with Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego, check out http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback/

Dealing with Anxiety Symptoms


Everyone can experience stress and may feel anxiety from time to time. You know your own body well enough, however, to be able to determine when enough is enough. Especially if you lead a stressful life, it is common for adults to experience mild anxiety. If your anxious feelings begin to interfere with your daily activities then it may be time to make a change. Exercise is the ultimate aid in overall health. Start small, until you find your way into a comfortable exercise routine.




For more information about anxiety symptoms and how Neurofeedback from Edge NeuroFitness in Lake Havasu can help visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/anxiety-symptoms/


Improve your outlook on life with biofeedback


We all want to be happy, but sometimes being happy is not as easy as it seems. Techniques like biofeedback can help improve a person’s happiness level, and give them a positive outlook on life. The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research Task Force found in 2002 that technique was effective in improving a number of conditions.

Reference: Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2002 Dec; 27(4): 273–281 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2779403/

For more information about Biofeedback from Edge NeuroFitness in Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/

Lessen your PTSD symptoms in your life


PTSD is one of the worst things a person can go through, and often the only route to managing it is medication. That is not the case when neurofeedback is used. This method can lower  symptoms in an individual and help them begin to live the life they had before they suffered the trauma that brought on the condition, according to Western University in London, Ontario.

Reference: Psych Central – Neurofeedback Training for PTSD By Rick Nauert PhD


For more information about PTSD Symptoms from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego CA, visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/ptsd-symptoms


Regaining Control with Biofeedback


Biofeedback is the use of electronic monitoring to discover an automatic bodily function, and train the monitored to acquire control of that function. Mapping out your brain function can oftentimes lead to the discovery of problematic conditions that can then be focused upon and worked on.

References: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/biofeedback?s=t

For more information about Biofeedback, from Edge NeuroFitness in Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/qeeg-brain-mapping-sloreta/

Neurofeedback shows positive results with ADHD


For millions of children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can make life difficult. Medication was the primary way to treat ADHD but more parents are turning to neurofeedback. A study by the Journal of Pediatrics found that children who use this brain training had improvements in impulse control and attention.

Reference: The Washington Post – By Arlene Karidis – https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/therapists-are-using-neurofeedback-to-treat-adhd-ptsd-and-other-conditions/2015/01/16/b38e6cee-5ec3-11e4-91f7-5d89b5e8c251_story.html

For more information about ADHD and Neurofeedback from Edge NeuroFitness in Lake Havasu, visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback

Brain fitness techniques can lower anxiety symptoms


When an anxiety attack comes, the symptoms related to it can be overwhelming. Lessening these symptoms can be done without the use of medication, through improving brain fitness. Donald Hebb, a brain researcher, recently found that brain fitness can lower symptoms of anxiety in individuals, helping them live a better life.


Psych Central – Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. – http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/01/09/how-to-train-your-brain-to-alleviate-anxiety/

For more information about Anxiety Symptoms from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego CA, visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/anxiety-symptoms


How to maintain mental fitness with Neurofeedback


Our minds are incredibly important to our lives. The stronger the mind, the stronger the person. Be at the top of your game with Edge NeuroFitness. This is done through the power of brain mapping. According to Forbes Magazine and Evolved Technologies, mind mapping can improve a number of brain functions including multitasking.


Forbes – Dan Woods


For more information about Neurofeedback from Edge NeuroFitness in Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback