Tag Archives: QEEG

qEEG Brain Mapping and Edge Neuro Fitness

qEEG Brain Mapping

qEEG Brain Mapping

We, at Edge Neuro Fitness have the technology to map out your brain function with qEEG or Quantitative EEG. We can actually hook you up to our computer and collect data…not read your mind, but actually measure the amount, types, frequencies, and communication of the brain waves, or electrical activity in your head that are likely to be correlating with what’s going on with you mentally, physically, and/or emotionally.

This is known as BRAIN MAPPING.

For more information about qEEG Brain Mapping visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/qeeg-brain-mapping-sloreta

Dr. Donald Posson Comments On Neurofeedback In Las Vegas


“An excellent 1st day at Las Vegas Edge Neuro Fitness. I have to say I was impressed. We had two clients in recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury and Severe Mental Disorders. The qEEG let us see exactly where the brain is functioning out-of-balance with itself and in the first Brain Training session begin to heal itself. Amazing. If you’ve never thought about Neurotherapy as a health treatment or performance improvement option, it’s time you do. Amazing healing brain science” – Comment by Dr. Donald Posson

For more information about Neurofeedback visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/what-is-neurofeedback

A Few Common Disorders Including ADD ADHD


Let me briefly mention couple psychological disorders that are very common in the US, PTSD for example effects approx 8% of Americans according to http://www.ptsdunited.org/ptsd-statistics-2/ and sufferers experience a wide range of symptoms(chronic anxiety, insomnia, depression, various phobias, and so on) also ADD ADHD is a common one too effecting approx 14% of Americans mixed between all age groups. A wide spectrum of therapies have been implemented, so far the most effective is a dynamic neurotherapy approach in which the whole brain is assessed through quantitative electroencephalograph(QEEG) and regions of interest are treated accordingly.
Also psychiatrictimes.com has a very interesting article on excessive sleep after a TBI.

Intern of Becky Bassham Asaad Sultan,
2nd yr neuroscience major at HFCC
Researched multiple Neurofeedback systems, currently working with 19channel zscore training and its efficacy throught out various psychological disorders

For more information on ADD ADHD visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd/