Tag Archives: San Diego CA

Lessen your PTSD symptoms in your life


PTSD is one of the worst things a person can go through, and often the only route to managing it is medication. That is not the case when neurofeedback is used. This method can lower  symptoms in an individual and help them begin to live the life they had before they suffered the trauma that brought on the condition, according to Western University in London, Ontario.

Reference: Psych Central – Neurofeedback Training for PTSD By Rick Nauert PhD


For more information about PTSD Symptoms from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego CA, visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/ptsd-symptoms


Brain fitness techniques can lower anxiety symptoms


When an anxiety attack comes, the symptoms related to it can be overwhelming. Lessening these symptoms can be done without the use of medication, through improving brain fitness. Donald Hebb, a brain researcher, recently found that brain fitness can lower symptoms of anxiety in individuals, helping them live a better life.


Psych Central – Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. – http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/01/09/how-to-train-your-brain-to-alleviate-anxiety/

For more information about Anxiety Symptoms from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego CA, visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/anxiety-symptoms


Adulthood ADHD May Continue From Childhood


“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder marked by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and is one of the most common behavioural disorders in children. It is widely believed that adult ADHD is the continuation of the disorder from childhood.”


ScienceDaily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160518120107.htm

Source: King’s College London

For more information about ADHD from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/add-adhd

Exercise Helps Prevent Depression and Stress


Studies have shown that exercise is about as effective as antidepressant meds. Without the side-effects.

“Increasingly, physical activity is being recognized as an effective tool for treating and preventing depression.”


~ Christopher Bergland – The Athlete’s Way


For more information about preventing depression and stress from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego, Ca visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/

QEEG Brain Mapping Shows Brain Function


At Edge NeuroFitness, we can actually show you how your brain is working, in live 3D action, QEEG brain map pre and post program changes with measurable data.
And how would you know if you don’t LOOK?

For more information about QEEG Brain Mapping from Edge NeuroFitness in San Diego, CA and Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/qeeg-brain-mapping-sloreta/

Vitamin Rich Foods can Decrease Chances of Depression and Anxiety


Some days may seem more stressful than others, triggering panic attacks or even feelings of sullenness. Did you know that simply eating vitamin rich foods could reduce these feelings? Oftentimes, depression and anxiety go hand in hand. This deficiency usually stems from a lack of B vitamins; including B12 and folic acid. It is easy to come across, as diets vary. Eating foods like pork, chicken, leafy greens, eggs and even citrus fruits can increase your body’s level of B vitamins, warding off anxiety and keeping depression at bay. It is much simpler, and less invasive, to eat differently than it is to get vitamin injections.



For more information about Neurofeedback for Anxiety from Edge NeuroFitness in Lake Havasu, San Diego or Costa Mesa, CA visit http://www.edgeneurofitness.com/anxiety-symptoms/